
BeeYU is a community hosted by BYU IDeA Labs about all things bees! BeeYU hosts both research projects and The BYU Apiology Association, more affectionately known as The Bee Team. The Bee Team is a fun and educational club at BYU that provides activities and houses an A-Team of apiarists who tend to research hives at the BYU Greenhouse.

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Get Involved

One way to get involved is to join the BYU Apiology Association, more affectionately known as The Bee Team. The purpose of The Bee Team is to use the practice of beekeeping as a vehicle to educate about the variety of topics related to the effort through short seminars and fun activities. Seminars will range from nontechnical topics like apitherapy and the culinary history of honey, to technical topics like insect-inspired algorithms and neurobiology. Check out our club page to learn more!

IDeA Labs

IDeA Labs is a network of laboratories operated by a single, interdisciplinary research group. This group uses systems, control theory, and related tools to analyze and design a variety of complex systems and information processing techniques.

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